February 22, 2025

Nnaoma Damian Stanley Awuzu peacefully goes home.

2 min read

Wednesday 11 January 2023 is a day the Awuzu family of Isiozi Akah Njaba LGA will not forget in a hurry. At the same time, it is a day they would wish to forget in a hurry. This particular day was the day the remains of the patriarch of the family, Nnaoma Damian Stanley Awuzu NDSA, were committed to the mother earth after spending 78 years of eventful life of which many have testified was worthy of emulation. A day before the burial date when Umuaka Times paid a visit to the family, the first son of the deceased, Dr. Favour Awuzu, a high profile military strategist and the National President of Umuaka National Union, USA was seen making last minute arrangements with his siblings on how to ensure a hitch-free burial for their late dad.

The following day which was the burial date, as early as 7 am, friends, well wishers and those who had one thing or another to do during the burial had started to gather at the family house to fine-tune their activities and assignments. Shortly after that, some of the family members etc left for the mortuary in order to convey the remains of NDSA home finally. Around 9 am, the ambulance arrived at the Awuzu family house and in a few minutes, the master of ceremony announced to the people that the immediate family members should be getting ready to pay their last respect by going to view the body of the late Nnaoma Awuzu as he was laid in state.

It did not take long before the family went in to pay their last respect and in that order, all the persons and groups who wanted to do the same went in and “greeted” the spirit of the dead and by few minutes to 10 am, the activity was shifted to St Patrick’s Catholic Church for the requiem Mass. The Mass which was celebrated by an Akalite Rev Father Peter Iwuala was more into the philosophy of life and the way people live their lives. The priest told a story of a man who tried to cheat death but failed at last.

Before the Mass came to an end, Dr Favour Awuzu was given an opportunity by the parish priest Rev Father Wisdom Igwegbe to address the congregation. Dr Awuzu who reminded the congregation that he was once a seminarian and some of the 7 reverend fathers who were in church were his classmates. He spoke a few words and handed the microphone back to the Reverend Father and the Mass thereafter came to an end.

Back home, the body of the 78 year old peace maker who the world has testified lived an upright was committed to the mother earth, signaling the end f an era.



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