July 27, 2024

Umuaka Times

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Pastor George Izunwa calls for faith in God as the country drowns.

2 min read

The eloquent, frank and fearless man of God and the Lead Pastor of Gateway International Church Port Harcourt, George Izunwa, has called on Christians and low income families across the country to keep having hope for a better tomorrow and a strong faith in God in the present day Nigeria devastated by serious economic hardship and political uncertainties. Pastor Izunwa who made the pronouncement in a message titled, Have Faith in God, was a guest speaker during a three day free medical outreach held in Umuaka Njaba LGA Imo State by the George Izunwa Foundation.

Pastor Izunwa who arrived the venue of the program by 10:25 am on Saturday 24 February 2024, first went round the event centre, greeting and exchanging pleasantries with friends and kinsmen and taking photographs with some of the guests as well, also had time to listen to some of the people who had one issue or another to share with him.

By the time the man of God was given the opportunity to preach, he went straight to hit the switch as he painted a graphic picture of the catastrophic economic madness the country has been undergoing since the advent of the new political era a couple of months ago. In his words, the man of God wondered in a question; “How do poor families survive?”

By the end of the lamentations by the amiable man of God, he appealed to the children of God present at the event to continue to have faith in God, no matter how bad things may appear. He acknowledged that he was aware of how families across the country struggle to feed themselves and solve their problems but that notwithstanding, he told the children of God from Umuaka to continue to keep hope alive and look upon God to change the face of things in the country.

For those whose situations appear so badly, he appealed to them to show more commitment and leap from their present sinful stage of life and watch God lift them up from their predicament. “God is watching. He is not asleep and you must have faith in Him. Please don’t lose hope and continue to have faith in God,” the man of God told the gathering.

Before he closed the sermon, the man of God prayed for the entire people present during the program and asked God to continue to guide and protect his children.


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