March 26, 2025

So much complaints trail Umuaka security outfit.

2 min read

Several complaints of extortions, human rights violations and illegal road blocks have continued to trail the activities of the Akah Ebe Iri Security outfit established in December last year by Akalites in Diaspora. The alleged extortions are said to be focused on young boys known as “motorcycle boys” in Umuaka. A source told Umuaka Times that the motorcycle boys have always pain huge sums of money to the security outfit anytime they were arrested.

A couple of months ago, Umuaka Times got the contact of a fellow from Uba who disclosed that the security outfit allegedly beat him and his girlfriend and put him in the booth of their patrol vehicle and drove away. In his message to Umuaka Times, the fellow claimed that he underwent such punishment because he was arrested at night and that was his only offence.

When Umuaka Times tried to confirm this story a couple of months ago, Mr Ikenna Ibekwe, the coordinator of the outfit was engaged in an exclusive interview, he denied any form of involvement of the outfit in criminal activities and exonerated the outfit from corruption. He further confirmed to Umuaka Times that at times, the outfit had volunteered to take some people home after interrogation.

A student of Umuaka Times Institute posted some weeks ago that the security outfit now mounts road blocks and collects money from motorcycle boys and okada riders. Again, this claim was denied by Ibekwe through another source Umuaka Times came across.

There are many security outfits in Umuaka and it is possible that one may mistake another for another but be that as it may, any security outfit in Umuaka Municipal Council owes it as a duty to protect human rights and jettison corruption.



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