February 23, 2025

The social activities of Chief Nwokedi.

2 min read

1. 1974-1976: Denny was elected as Amiyi ward 8 Councilor.

2. 1974-1976: Denny was appointed as Chairman of Afor Umuaka daily market.

3. 1979-1983: Denny was the secretary to Hon Chief Herbert Dikeocha for National Party of Nigeria (NPN), Umuaka Constituency.

4. 1987-2013: Denny was appointed Chairman Obiator Amiyi Akah Council of Chiefs.

5. 2004-2013: Denny was appointed Chairman of Oganiru Social Club of Umuaka.

6. 1976-1980: Denny was Cabinet member of Umuaka Njaba L.G.A.

7. Denny was appointed as a treasurer of Amiyi Council of Chiefs.

The Church activities of Chief Dennis Nwokedi.

1.1995-2012: Denny was member of St, Paul’s Parish as a Counselor.

2. 2001-2010: Denny served 7 years as chairman of CFO.

3. Denny was the first to introduce the Church seats.

4. Denny was the first to mount iron doors to the church building.

5. Denny mounted the 12 stations of the cross.

6. Denny and his God-father Chief Nnaoma di ebube, Linus Egeolu built the CFO hall with store and office and handed them to CFO free of charge.

7. Denny donated some Allumaco windows to the Reverend Father’s Office.

8. 1999, Denny was appointed as Harvest and Bazaar Chairman.


Awards won by Chief Dennis Nwokedi.

1. In 1997 Denny was conferred as Nna Uka of St. Paul’s catholic Parish, Amiyi Akah by his lordship, Bishop G.O Ochiagha, the Bishop of Orlu Diocese.

2. In August 21st, 1998, Denny was conferred with Chieftaincy title, as Enyioha-Dum 1 of Umuaka by his Royal Highness, Late Eze Aloysius AC Ojinnaka, Osinobi III of Umuaka.

3. In 2018, was conferred Patronship by his Lordship, Bishop Dr. T.O Ukwuoma, Bishop of Orlu Diocese at St Gregory’s Church Amaigbo, Nwangele LGA.



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