January 23, 2025

UCH Crisis. Agunechemba appeals for calm.

2 min read

The Agunechemba Umuaka, High Chief Eddy Ikwubuo has appealed to other autonomous communities in Umuaka Municipal Council, especially the youths to remain calm over the final “takeover” of Umuaka Community Hospital by Amiyi Autonomous Community. Chief Ikwubuo disclosed this in a brief interview with Umuaka Times last week when the news of the renovation activities at the UCH by Amiyi community filtered into town. In the views of the High Chief, he did not see any cause for alarm or any reason for the youths or anybody to take the laws into their hands against Amiyi people and fight over the hospital, but the most important thing according to him is for the hospital to start functioning again.

“I like to use this opportunity to appeal to our people to remain calm and allow Amiyi community to put the hospital back to work. We all know the history of the hospital and how it came into existence. I pray that Amiyi will inject life into the hospital and people start to obtain medical care once again, we can then talk about the ownership of the hospital.”

The Ogunechemba wondered why a constituted authority like Amiyi Autonomous Community with a highly educated royal father who is a lawyer, refused to seek legal redress over a mere issue but rather decided to take the laws into their hands by invading and illegally taking possession of a hospital that is owned by the entire Umuaka Municipal Council.

“There is no confusion over the ownership of Umuaka Community Hospital. We all know the history, quite unlike Afor Umuaka that is raising controversies. Let us just hope that the hospital comes back to life again. The question of the ownership can easily be settled.”

High Chief Eddy Ikwubuo is the chairman, Obiato Uba Umuaka Ancient Kingdom Joint Council of Chiefs and the president-general, Akah Federal Union AFU. He has also held a public office as the former executive chairman, Njaba Local Government Council Imo State.



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