February 23, 2025

Umuaka Times: The New Age is Here.

3 min read

By Dr Victor E. Dike.


It gives me great pleasure in extending my heartiest congratulations to all the team at the digital Umuaka Times, and in particular Mr. Ojy Onwukwe, the proprietor, on the occasion of its one year anniversary! Your dedication, enthusiasm and insight are inspiring. And that is mostly what has sustained this digital news outlet since its debut in July 2019. It is easy to set up an organization in a society such as Nigeria without basic functional infrastructure and much more difficult to sustain it. I wish you and your team many more years of great accomplishments.


One year of serving Umuaka community and the neighboring towns is a great accomplishment. Today, the digital media play a crucial role in our society. Delivering information, reporting and making comments on substantive events in the community in a meaningful and relevant way is even more important.


Umuaka Times has continued to function despite all the obstacles to deliver balanced and original local news to the community. In a few occasions some comments have been challenged; but since your news report is original Akalites have continued to patronize Umuaka Times. Through the digital newspaper our political and community leaders are held accountable. This makes for a vibrant and stimulating discussions and community-building.


Providing information about Umuaka and Akalites (and for the surrounding communities) remains an important element in growing as a community. Today, Akalites are looking forward to the next edition of Umuaka Times. Thus, it is difficult, if not impossible to imagine Umuaka community becoming vibrant without the digital Umuaka Times. It is proper to note that since the debut of the digital Umuaka Times you and your team have always taken up impossible assignments to make them possible. You love taking up challenges and you deserve all your achievements. You are a good proof that all good things come to those who are willing to sacrifice whatever they have to reach a worthwhile goal. Words can’t express how proud I am! Again, I congratulate you for your success!!


Since July 2019 Akalites have enjoyed a good relationship with your digital Umuaka Times. I am extremely pleased with the sound working relationship it has developed with our community at present. Please keep it up! As I have always advised, please investigate the veracity of any information before you publish. To borrow from Mikhail Gorbachev, former general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1985-91) and president of the Soviet Union (1990-91), “Trust but verify”. I am pleased you have always done just that.


The authenticity of any news reporting is what brings up the image of any newspaper outlet. You have the creativity, commitment and determination to do whatever you dream of. I am sure you are proud today and confident in your ability to rise to your next challenge. I wish you well in your future endeavors and trust that you will continue to serve Umuaka community and the neighboring communities well in years to come. We will join hands to sustain Umuaka Times.


Bravo! You are a true trailblazer!!

Dr. Victor E. Dike who contributed this piece from Sacramento, California, USA is an author, educational consultant and the Executive Director Center for Social Justice and Human Development, California, USA



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