With gratitude to God, we celebrate the life of our beloved Mother, Mother Dorothy Adanta Oguike (nne Amadike) also known...
The Old Boys Association of St Saviour's High School, formally, High School Umuaka was among several organizations who identified with...
Peterlarz speaks. I am Mr Peter Lazrus Okechukwu Okoroha. Austin (Agbahiwe) is not only a friend but a class mate...
The motorcade that brought the corpse of the late Mrs Dorothy Oguike to Umuaka from Owerri where her remains were...
The night of Wednesday March 24, 2021 was the night the Oguikes and their in-law Dr Austin have prepared for...
Last week in the family compound of the late Elder Francis Oguike in Uba Umuaka, Dr Austin Agbahiwe, a high...
In appreciation of the edifice built and donated to his in-laws in Uba Umuaka by Dr Austin Agbahiwe, the management...
The Managing Director of American Cancer Hospital Nigeria, Dr Austin Chidi Agbahiwe has built, furnished and donated a house to...
Frontline Akalite, top community leader and the Managing Director, American Cancer Hospital Nigeria, Dr Austin Chidi Agbahiwe who lost his...
London based attorney, high profile Akalite and a politician, Barrister Leo Offorji has lost his mother. In a press release...